Albert Biddle and Patricia Biddle

Albert Biddle and Patricia Biddle

20th Apr 1930 - 20th Oct 2006 and 10th Jun 1931 - 4th Jul 2009
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Each tree in this grove is to remind each of us, as their family, of Mum and Dad.

A tree for each of them, from each of us. Each leaf a memory, every leaf shed represents a tear shed on their passing.

As each tree flourishes and grows so will their family, through their Children and Grandchildren.

They shared everything with us, from stern words, a simple look to tears and laughter.

Dad was a man of few words, but had the heart of a lion and his love enveloped us all.

Mum was the one that bathed our battered knees and soothed our fevered brows as kids. She put us right when we were in the wrong, even if at the time we never saw it that way.

Both were always there with words of wisdom and encouragement.

On his passing, Mum was lost but now she has gone to join him and they are together again.

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