To celebrate the birth and baptism of

Seraphine Elisabeth Dittrich

Born 16th July 2010, baptised 16th July 2011
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For our daughter Seraphine Elisabeth
to celebrate her life and the world around her.
May she grow into a world that loves
and respects nature and its beauty.

From her parents Julika and Florian


Dear Seraphine!The history of mankind is also a history of trees.To love and to care for our trees is to love and to care for all of us.I wish you a beautiful life in a beautiful healthy world!All the best,Alexander
Donated by Alexander Braunshoer
Ein Bäumchen von Alexander
Von Tante Rosi und Onkel Christopher
Von Grossonkel Anton und Grosstante Angelika
Liebe Seraphine, Zu Deiner Taufe wuenschen wir Dir ganz viel Freude, Glueck und Spass in Deiner Familie und auf dieser Erde! Wir freuen uns jetzt schon auf viele schoene gemeinsame Stunden am Attersee.Deine Rosenauers - Stefan, Andrea, Hannes, Lily, Margot & Manfred
Liebe Seraphine,Karolin und ich wuenschen Dir von ganzem Herzen, dass Du so lange wie moeglich gesund und beschuetzt aufwaechst, gesund bleibst, viel Freude am und im Leben erfaehrst. Es umarmt Dich Deine Tante Miette mit einem dicken, festen Bussi
Donated by Julika Dittrich
Wer Baeume pflanzt wird den Himmel gewinnen. (Konfuzius) Liebe Seraphine, Wir wuenschen Dir hiermit alles Gute fuer Deinen Lebensweg und moegen diese Baeume Dir Kraft und Erholung geben. Alles Liebe, Pia, Flora,Heidi und Lorenz
Darling Seraphine, We dedicate the planting of these trees in honour of both your birth and your life ahead. We also send you this beautiful verse from a great English poet who understood the magic and majesty of trees in our lives in the sure knowledge his verse will pass on the same sense of awe and wonderment. Much love Polly & Ian The Shepherd's Tree by John Clare. Huge elm, with rifted trunk all notched and scarred, Like to a warrior's destiny! I love To stretch me often on thy shadowed sward, And hear the laugh of summer leaves above; Or on thy buttressed roots to sit, and lean In careless attitude, and there reflect On times and deeds and darings that have been‐ Old castaways, now swallowed in neglect,‐ While thou art towering in thy strength of heart, Stirring the soul to vain imaginings In which life's sordid being hath no part. The wind of that eternal ditty sings, Humming of future things, that burn the mind To leave some fragment of itself behind. Polly & Ian
Donated by Julika Dittrich