Eradicating Ecocide

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In March 2010 international barrister and award winning author Polly Higgins proposed to the United Nations that Ecocide be made the fifth Crime Against Peace. Ecocide is defined as 'the extensive damage to, destruction of or loss of ecosystem(s) of a given territory, whether by human agency or by other causes, to such an extent that peaceful enjoyment by the inhabitants of that territory has been or will be severely diminished'. The international law of Ecocide will:
  • Impose an international and trans-boundary duty of care on any person exercising a position of superior responsibility to prevent ecocide
  • Prohibit any person exercising a position of superior responsibility from committing or aiding and abetting ecocide
  • Ensure that any damage to ecosystems that does occur as a result of human caused ecocide is rectified through the process of restorative justice
  • Impose an international and trans-boundary duty-of-care on governments, to provide emergency assistance to other territories at risk or adversely affected by 'naturally occurring' ecocide.
Earth Law Making Ecocide a crime sits at the heart of the increasingly significant concept of Earth Law, of which there are now many examples in force around the world. By putting people and planet first, Earth Law assures the wellbeing of the whole Earth community. Earth law advocates a framework of law that requires industrial activity to operate in co-operation with the Earth's natural processes, rather than in conflict with them. The Earth Community Trust The Earth Community Trust supports Polly Higgins and her team. The charity also supports the Caledonian Forest restoration because we believe in giving back to nature. Polly Higgins, founder of The Earth Community Trust and advocate for a law of Ecocide, is a Scot who grew up in the West Coast of Scotland. She is passionate about the Caledonian Forest restoration because she is a strong advocate for the Earth and all who are gifting to future generations. Polly Higgins Book cover
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