Your Grove of Trees

The trees in this grove will be carefully planted in protected sites in the Scottish Highlands where they will create homes for wildlife and forests for the future.

Twinflowers in bloom on pine woodland floor.
Twinflowers in bloom on pine woodland floor.
Scots pine against a summer blue sky.
Scots pine against a summer blue sky.
A Scotch argus butterfly on common ragwort.
A Scotch argus butterfly on common ragwort.
Tayside and Fife Jewish Community's grove
Trees in this grove: 23

A Grove of trees in the Scottish Highlands
Paul Spicker Grove
Tayside and Fife Jewish Community
Thanking Paul Spicker for all he did over many years to revive and support the synagogue in Dundee and our Jewish community.



Today, 2 June 2019, we are marking the official closure of the Dundee Synagogue,
as a new chapter in our history opens up and we join forces with the University of St Andrews Chaplaincy.
This grove is in honour of Mr Paul Spicker, who devoted many years and countless hours to
re-establishing and looking after the synagogue and congregation in Dundee,
and making it such a special home for us.

Add trees to this grove

In honour of Tu B'Shevat and Holocaust Memorial Day, 14 Shevat 5781

Donated by Ellen McCance

We hope the members of the Tayside and Fife Jewish Community
will continue to add to this grove over many years to come,
to celebrate our mitzvoth and to remember those we have cared about.

Donated by Tayside and Fife Jewish Community
