The Trees for Life vision is of a revitalised wild forest in the Scottish Highlands, providing space for wildlife to flourish and communities to thrive. It is our passionate belief that rewilding can help us achieve this vision.

Rewilding enriches the landscapes, wildlife and people who call these places home. It is about working with nature, natural processes and seeing human activity as part of an intricate system in which everything is connected.

The key to rewilding’s success is people. People to enable it, people to gain from it and people to enjoy it. Rewilding can work in harmony with how the land is managed today. It can complement and provide the opportunity to diversify how land is used. This diversification can create additional jobs supporting the sustainability of rural communities.

Rewilding is about an holistic approach. It is about looking at the land at a landscape scale. It requires collaboration between landowners. It requires everyone to be pragmatic – we recognise and embrace views other than our own. And just as Scotland was the first country to declare a climate emergency, it requires us to be ground-breaking in our approaches to land management, biodiversity, food security, livelihoods, climate change and a landscape in better health than we inherited it and better able to face the challenges of the future.