Add to this grove
This grove has been set up by University College London (UCL) for our staff and students to offset their carbon emissions by planting native trees.
3 trees
Donated by Adam Smith
8 trees
10 trees
Donated by Kate Walters
6 trees
Donated by Michael Crossland
5 trees
Donated by Adam Smith
1 tree
To contribute towards off-setting a short flight within Europe.Donated by JX
12 trees
Offsetting carbon from a family tripDonated by Kristopher Page
2 trees
To offset my trip to Manchester for a Jisc XR Meetup.Donated by Coral Zawadzki
4 trees
In celebration of the collaboration between London and ParisDonated by UCL East & Campus Condorcet
12 trees
Offset for a conference in SeattleDonated by Michael Crossland
3 trees
Conference trip to AUA 2024 - PRECISE recommendationsDonated by Davide Maffei
2 trees
Conference TravelDonated by Adam Smith
1 tree
Donated by Daphne Thomas
2 trees
Donated by Andrew Martin
2 trees
A contribution from members of the CLIE Climate Action TeamDonated by CLIE Climate Action Team
4 trees
The students and staff at IOE walked over 5000km during June in a bid to encourage a more sustainable way of life. We would like to make a small donation to the UCL Grove so more trees can be planted.Donated by IOE - Faculty of Education and Society
12 trees
Offsetting carbon from a family trip.Donated by Kristopher Page
8 trees
One tree for each year spent working on EUCLID-VIS, with the hope to come one day and see them grown.Donated by Gian Paolo Candini
12 trees
Carbon off-setting a conference trip to MontrealDonated by Erwin Alles
20 trees
20 x trees in the name of Dr Medine Gulcebi - Best Poster Prize Winner at The Hot Brain: Climate Change and Neuroscience conference, 18 May 202306/06/2023
20 trees
20 x trees in the name of Dr Jessica Gong - Best Poster Prize Winner at The Hot Brain: Climate Change and Neuroscience conference, 18 May 202306/06/2023
Donated by Daria Arsenteva
1 tree
Donated by Daria Arsenteva
3 trees
8 trees
A vain attempt to clear my conscience
for flying all that way to a conferenceDonated by Alex Fedorec
2 trees
Donated by Kerra Pearce
16 trees
Donated by Josephine Parker
10 trees
Allez UnionDonated by Alex M
7 trees
Donated by E. J. Thomas
2 trees
Donated by Martin Farley
1 tree
Planting this tree as a leaving gift to our lovely colleague Sophia.Donated by UCL Global Engagement
50 trees
Anna Szabó T.On Darkness
Where the heart was, a word is beating: Forget.
There was heat, though; you lay back in the grass
and felt the pulsations searing through your flesh,
under your eyelids, there, where the sun was;
a mirage burns into the retina
like the trace left by a touch upon your skin,
the grass, the sun, the feeling cold, the drying
and the smell over cooling water of the wind…
the word beats, stammers, forget it, let it drop
just as the warm, rough palm tenderly reaches,
unexpectedly, almost devoid of weight,
to touch the naked shoulder, while the beach
sinks into dusk, the water stirred by the wind,
a shivering body filling up with warmth…
you dare not move.
It's gone. Quite gone. The season
is changing - oh so slowly the sky revolves.
Snow falls on the water, forget, forget,
behind the eyes darkness without a flaw,
which does not warrant tears, it has not the weight.
But if you let it drop, you too will fall
beneath dark water cold as ice, oh such
a deep cold that there simply is no longer
sun enough to melt it with a touch.
Donated by Olívia Pósch-Varga & Júlia Varga & Krisztián Pósch
8 trees
Offsetting a conference visit - keep up the good work!Donated by The WEISS centre
This is a great idea - thank you for setting it up!Donated by John Potter
1 tree
This is a great idea - thank you for setting it up!Donated by John Potter
87 trees
Green Impact GoldThis is to celebrate the hard work of all the 2021/2022 Green Impact Gold Award recipients. Each Team will have three trees donated on their behalf.
The teams are:
Arts and Sciences BASc/
BSSC Green Onions/
Central Library/
Cruciform Hub/
Dementia Research Centre [ION]/
Department of Information Studies/
Division of Psychiatry/
Green BSEER/
ICH Library, UCL/
Institute of Archaeology Library/
Institute of Ophthalmology/
IoE Library/
IoO Library/
Legion of Eunomia/
Queen Square Library/
Royal Free Medical Library/
School of Pharmacy Library/
UCL Careers/
UCL Innovation & Enterprise/
UCL Language & Speech Science Library/
UCL Medical School/
UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory/
UCL Planning/
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology Admin/
Wickford Stores/
Donated by Sustainable UCL
30 trees
Green Impact SilverThis is to celebrate the hard work of all the 2021/2022 Green Impact Silver Award recipients. Each team will have two trees donated on their behalf.
The teams are:
Bartlett Faculty Office/
Ear Institute Team/
Green Laws/
History of Art/
IOE APO Green Crusaders/
Jewish Green/
Main Library (Library)/
Science Team/
Senate House UCL Hub (Library)/
Senate House UCL Hub (Office)/
SSEES Evergreens/
Student Registry Services/
Sustainable PPP/
UCL Institute of Orthopaedics Library/
Donated by Sustainable UCL
11 trees
Green Impact BronzeThis is to celebrate the hard work of all the 2021/2022 Green Impact Bronze Award recipients. Each team will have one tree donated on their behalf.
The teams are:
Bartlett Library/
CLIE Climate Action Team/
Epidemiology and Public Health/
IoE Primary PGCE/
IoPD Green Team/
Main Library (Office)/
Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering/
Philosophy Green Team/
SSEES Library/
Donated by Sustainable UCL
78 trees
LEAF Gold Award TeamThis is to celebrate the hard work of all the 2021/2022 LEAF Gold Award recipients.
Each team will have three trees donated on their behalf.
The teams are:
Amrolia (ZCR)/
Annette Dolphin Lab/
Brogan/Eleftheriou - /
Central BSU/
Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy Labs/
Crompton Lab/
Cruciform 3.4/
Department of Neurodegenerative Disease/
Department of Neuromuscular Diseases/
DSIS labs/
Fish Floor Anatomy/
Flow Cytometry Core Facility Lab/
Geography Labs/
Graham Lab 101/
IoO labs/
Kurian Lab – ZCR/
Qasim Lab/
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre/
School of Pharmacy Teaching Labs/
UCL Respiratory/
Wedderburn lab/
WLDI Skin Lab/
Donated by Sustainable UCL
38 trees
LEAF SilverThis is to celebrate the hard work of all the 2021/2022 LEAF Silver Award recipients.
Each team will have two trees donated on their behalf.
The teams are:
Barnes Lab/
Carmalt and Parkin Research Groups/
Centre for Clinical Microbiology/
Department of Neuroinflammation at Wakefield St/
Dept. of Clinical and Movement Neuroscience/
Ear Institute Labs/
ICH Lab Management Team/
Institute of Healthy Ageing/
Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering/
MRC Prion Unit at UCL, Institute of Prion Diseases/
Nanotechnology laboratory/
Pallett lab (IIT)/
Pharmaceutics Instrumental Laboratories/
Thermal Analysis Laboratory/
Women’s Health Chenies Mews/
Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging/
Donated by Sustainable UCL
36 trees
LEAF BronzeThis is to celebrate the hard work of all the 2021/2022 LEAF Bronze Award recipients. Each team will have one tree donated on their behalf.
The teams are:
6.02 Teaching Lab/
Breuer Lab/
Confocal and Light Microscopy Core Facility/
Cruciform BSU/
De Coppi Lab/
Dubowitz Neuromuscular centre/
Electrochemical Innovation Labs/
Experimental Physical Chemistry – Salzmann/
Fielding Group - LG32/
G16 Electrochemistry Lab/
GGM MBRD 1st Floor/
ICH - Ground Floor Labs (Jenkins et al)/
ICH - Respiratory Infection/
Insect Labs Darwin GFloor/
LG30 - Volpe Lab/
LG31 - Clarke Group/
LMCB Greeners/
Long/Scambler Lab (204/209)-/
Mass Spec lab/
Mechanical Engineering Teaching Labs/
Pharmaceutics Tissue Culture Facility (301a)/
Rheumatology labs – Rayne/
Royal Free BSU/
SoP-MSc Teaching/Instrumentation Laboratory (B56)-/
Sowden & Ferretti Lab/
Standing/Readman 117 -/
Thrasher Lab/
UCL Genomics/
Williams Lab/
ZCR Cancer/
Donated by Sustainable UCL
8 trees
Special Award for Sustainability PlanThe Sustainability Plan is a bespoke plan which focuses on the unique sustainability opportunities and challenges that are connected to a division or faculty’s area of work.
There are four recipient teams of this award, each have had two trees donated on their behalf.
The teams are:
PALS Green Team/
The Bartlett/
The Students’ Union UC/
Donated by Sustainable UCL
12 trees
Special Awards Highly CommendedThese trees are donated on behalf of the 6 Highly Commended recipients of the Special Sustainability Awards 2022.
These celebrate the outstanding achievements of UCL individuals and teams who have gone the extra mile in their practices, projects and research to ensure sustainability is at the fore.
Each recipient has had 2 trees donated on their behalf.
The Highly Commended recipients are:
Staff Award for Outstanding Commitment to Sustainability:
Dr. Zareena Gani
Student Award for Outstanding Commitment to Sustainability:
Trizzha Feliciano and Vaania Kapoor Achuthan
Sustainability Impact Award:
IoE Student Support Team
Sustainability Research Award :
Dr. Jing Meng
Sustainability Education Award:
Dr. Lorenzo Lott
Donated by Sustainable UCL
15 trees
Special Awards WinnersThese trees are donated on behalf of the 5 winners of the Special Sustainability Awards Categories 2022.
These celebrate the outstanding achievements of UCL individuals and teams who have gone the extra mile in their practices, projects and research to ensure sustainability is at the fore.
Each winner has had 3 trees donated on their behalf.
The winners are:
Staff Award for Outstanding Commitment to Sustainability:
Wesley Knapp
Student Award for Outstanding Commitment to Sustainability: Mukund Hari Nathany
Sustainability Impact Award:
The Logistics Team
Sustainability Research Award:
Professor Sanjay Sisodiya
Sustainability Education Award:
PCPH Primary Care Medical Education team
Donated by Sustainable UCL
2 trees
Business trip offset!Donated by Geraint Rees
Donated by Jane Bolger
10 trees
Donated by Jane Bolger
3 trees
go trees!Donated by Matteo Carandini
13 trees
5 trees
Remembering fun times at UCL ?Donated by The Esslinger Family
For my beloved parents. Hope that we will visit those trees sometimes together after covid.Donated by Hao Ni
3 trees
For my beloved parents.Hope that we will visit those trees sometimes together after covid.
Donated by Hao Ni
1 tree
Offset flightDonated by IJR
1 tree
Really great initiative. 1 tree :)Donated by AT
A tree for each member of my family - this is such a great initiative.Donated by Jane Bolger
4 trees
A tree for each member of my family - this is such a great initiative.Donated by Jane Bolger
59 trees
We are donating these trees in honour of our amazing colleague Graham Woodgate who retired in 2021.
With love from all the staff and students at the UCL Institute of the Americas,
who have had the pleasure of working with you over the years.
Donated by Graham Woodgate
1 tree
Donated by MH
2 trees
Donated by Andy Seal
12 trees
For the future - but we must also all do more in the present, starting with lobbying the UK government for more action on climate change ahead of COP26 in Glasgow! (no new oil and gas fields!)Donated by Tim Colbourn
2 trees
Donated by Graham Worth
10 trees
György Somlyó: Stake and treeI cut a stake to hold a flower,
had pushed it in a pot of soil and thought
that as my knife had killed it, it really ought
be dead, that I commanded all the power
to make of it what whim would say I could,
and that its trunk was there to serve my need,
no shoots on it, no roots to feed,
a tree no longer, only a stake of wood.
But how the beauty of life puts man to shame:
no sooner was it in the earth there came
resinous buds that opened up with glee.
Maimed, reduced to thing, it dared defy
ignoble death, rejected it to cry
that it was more than wood - and stayed a tree.
Donated by Júlia Varga & Krisztián Pósch
2 trees
Donated by Si Ning
10 trees
Helping to make sure there's a green future for my nephews and neices.Donated by Aba Carboo
2 trees
Ágnes Nemes NagyWinter trees
You have to learn. The trees in winter.
As hoarfrost dresses foot, top, centre
curtains of white that nothing moves –
You have to learn those secret grooves
where crystals start to turn to vapour
and trees fade over into fog
just as bodies flow into memory
And the river behind the trees
flapping mute wings of skeins of geese,
the blues of blinding ice-white nights
in which some hooded objects linger -
this is our task: We have to seize
the trees' inexplicable deeds.
Donated by Gábor Pósch
10 trees
Father and daughter, class of 62 and 84, delighted to add to the UCL groveDonated by The Hunt trees
20 trees
Donated by Brakes addition to the Sudeley Class of 84 copse
6 trees
Brassies Trees for the Sudeley MassiveDonated by Brassies Trees for the Sudeley Massive
10 trees
Another 10 trees from the class of 1984. Let's keep it going for the baby docs and our other amazing offspring.Donated by Donated by UCL Sudeley castle/Majorca Alumni
20 trees
Class of 1984..... here’s to many more annual reunions to come...!Donated by UCL Sudeley castle/Majorca Alumni
2020 created a lot of space to reflect on the unsustainable practices that are our normal practice. Delighted to contribute to this amazing endeavorDonated by Simon Walker
3 trees
2020 created a lot of space to reflect on the unsustainable practices that are our normal practice. Delighted to contribute to this amazing endeavorDonated by Simon Walker
2 trees
Delighted to 'buy' these trees for our brilliant sustainability champion Deanne. Look forward to visiting one dayDonated by Deanne Attreed
10 trees
'See my works, how fine and excellent they are. All that I have created, I have created for you. Think upon this and do not corrupt or destroy my world, for if you do, there is no one to set it right after you' (Rabbis, Midrash Ecclesiastes)Donated by Laurence Lovat
3 trees
Summer holiday!Donated by Geraint Rees
2 trees
2 trees
Donated by Oliver
3 trees
We would like to contribute towards the reduction of our carbon emissions of living in a London household and trying to contribute as much as we can to reduce this. Louisa, Tom & Matt.Donated by Louisa Robinson
1 tree
10 trees
6 trees
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.29/07/2020
40 trees
Donated by Hugh Montgomery
10 trees
Donated by Georgia Milne & Peter Price
The world would be a much worse place without trees.Donated by RC
3 trees
The world would be a much worse place without trees.Donated by RC
Let's get planting!Donated by Elton Dias
1 tree
Let's get planting!Donated by Elton Dias
2 trees
I love trees!Donated by J LOPEZ
1 tree
Donated by SG
1 tree
This sounds like a great idea!Donated by Matt
4 trees
Donated by Michelle Wein
5 trees
1 tree