The Ellison Family Grove

Jon, Katie, Maddie, Lottie and Wren

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We absolutely love to travel- it is our biggest family passion and we are so grateful that we get to see parts
of the world. Yet at the same time we want to try and do our bit to feel like we travel in an ethical way.
While only a small gesture we want to teach our children about how to reduce their carbon footprint.
We think this Grove is the perfect place to start.

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Donating some trees to carbon offset our trip to Canada/US this summer. Our little grove is growing now :)
Donated by Jon, Katie, Maddie, Lottie and Wren
One off tree donation, just because I was talking about it to someone and it reminded me to add a few to our little grove :)
Donated by Katie Ellison
Donating some trees for our trip to Florida.
I know it's not much but every little helps.
Donated by Katie Ellison
Our first set of trees in the Ellison Family Grove.
Here's to many more!
Donated by Jon, Katie, Maddie, Lottie and Wren