World Interfaith Harmony Grove

To all those working for Interfaith harmony and to promote sustainability on our precious planet

Dedicated on the 20th Anniversary of the founding of Interfaith Scotland
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Faith communities, secular groups, scientists and governments all agree that we are facing a climate emergency.
Interfaith Scotland hopes that by planting trees together, and encouraging our friends in Scotland and across the
world to plant trees with us, we will be acting together to help preserve our precious planet.

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3 trees
For my parents on Naw Ruz, Nick & Maureen Sierr
Donated by Clan Bebb-Sier
For the ancestors, with much love
Donated by Rev. Linda Haggerstone
3 trees
For the ancestors, with much love
Donated by Rev. Linda Haggerstone
4 trees
In memory of my parents, Tahirih & Husayn Tahzib.
Donated by Behdokht Eliasieh
20 trees
In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Scottish Interfaith Week (2024) we are planting, in partnership with the Sikh Community of Scotland, a further 20 trees. This brings our total number of trees to 1000 - what a way to celebrate!
Donated by Interfaith Scotland and the Sikh Community of Scotland
We are donating these trees to the World Interfaith Harmony Grove to mark the marriage of Nida and Ibrahim on Saturday 24 February 2024. May they flourish and grow together.
Donated by Alison and Neil Spurway
10 trees
We are donating these trees to the World Interfaith Harmony Grove to mark the marriage of Nida and Ibrahim on Saturday 24 February 2024. May they flourish and grow together.
Donated by Alison and Neil Spurway
4 trees
4 trees planted for my Uncle Niks birthday 💜💕
3 trees
Planted on behalf of my dad Nick Sier for his 70th birthday. Love from The Tootell clan.
Donated by Zoe Tootell
3 trees
3 Trees for our brother in law Nick Siers 70th birthday. Love from Jake and Christine
In recognition of the importance of Freedom of Religion or Belief and particularly the Cross Party Group at the Scottish Parliament.
Donated by John Mason MSP
8 trees
In recognition of the importance of Freedom of Religion or Belief and particularly the Cross Party Group at the Scottish Parliament.
Donated by John Mason MSP
6 trees
These trees are donated on behalf of our dear friend Racelle Weiman on her birthday. We wish that as leaders of the world gather at COP28 the simple act of planting a tree for a friend is an act of love both for our friend and for the planet
Donated by Maureen and Nick Sier
6 trees
To celebrate our family and the futures of all our grandchildren
Donated by The MacKay Family
18 trees
Mazal tov, Tavish, on becoming a bar mitzvah!
Donated by Joelle Novey, Ethan Merlin, Elie, and Max
10 trees
In his book "Hell and High Water", Alistair McIntosh wrote that "... to pass by the suffering of the world must violate our very nature ... A spirituality of interconnection starts to heal this damage. Such is the structure of reality from within which, I believe, we need to start looking at climate change." I agree. Re-discovering, and re-connecting, to our real selves in turn reconnects us with others and engenders the courage necessary to take on climate change.
Donated by Andrew Scott
20 trees
These beautiful indigenous trees are donated to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles and to support the Big Help Out (the volunteering legacy of the Coronation).
Donated by The Board of Interfaith Scotland
10 trees
In celebration of the coronation of King Charles and to support interfaith harmony in Scotland
Donated by Sikh Community of Scoltland
2 trees
To my mum on Mother’s Day thanks for making the world a better place.
Donated by Zoe Tootell
6 trees
In memory, and honouring roots to the future. With much love.
Donated by Zanna Kandejeva and family
10 trees
2 trees
Merry Christmas Jeanie, from Adam and Jackie
Donated by Jackie Ware
Merry Christmas Jeanie, from Adam and Jackie
Donated by Jackie Ware
5 trees
For Mavis, a wonderful baker and knitter, on her 90th Birthday.
Donated by Mavis Mitchell
5 trees
2 trees
20 trees
20 trees donated in memory of my mother Nickie Fox ?
Donated by Robyn Cove
2 trees
Donated in celebration of the Baha'i Holy Day 'The Declaration of the Bab'. A day dedicated to peace, hope, and building a better future together.
Donated by Baha'is of East Dunbartonshire
47 trees
Donations for trees were made at a Ceilidh for the Climate that was held by Interfaith Scotland to celebrate World Earth Day on 22nd April. The ceilidh was hosted by Our Lady & St Ninian's Church in Bannockburn and brought communities together to learn more about how we can respect and preserve our natural environment. Those attending gave generously and we have been able to donate 47 trees.
Donated by Attendees at Ceilidh for the Climate
10 trees
By the Holy Day Committee from the Glasgow Bahá'í Community for the celebration of Ayyám-i-Há 178.
Donated by Glasgow Bahá'í Community
10 trees
The University of Glasgow Chaplaincy is pleased to join in this expression of peace, inter-face friendship and love for the earth, our common home.
Donated by Joan Keenan
4 trees
These trees are donated in remembrance of a dear friend, Paul O'Callaghan. Paul loved Scotland the natural beauty of this world and we miss him. RIP Paul x
Donated by Maureen and Nik Sier
1 tree
In remembrance of Jenny and celebrating the memories we have. Being Thankful for the blessings of Osama and Ramzy, all their family and loved ones. Praying they have good health and wellbeing Always. Ameen.
Donated by Women Of Faith & Community
5 trees
Donated for the birthday of Racelle Weiman - a friend and amazing interfaith activist
Donated by Maureen Sier
10 trees
A gift on the occasion of Julia’s 90th Birthday
Donated by Julia Orr
A gift on the occasion of Julia’s 90th Birthday
Donated by Julia Orr
25 trees
With thanks to Inter Faith Scotland
Donated by Sisters of Our Lady of Sion
1 tree
Donated by Baha'i Community of Burntisland, Fife
80 trees
Interfaith Scotland have planted 80 trees donated by Virgin Media 02 for Thank You Day 2021 to mark projects run by faith communities and interfaith groups that have supported local communities through the Scottish Government Immediate Priorities Funds during the Covid-19 pandemic. One tree has been donated for each project and celebrates the work of the following faith communities: Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Baha'i. It also celebrates the work of the following interfaith groups who supported communities through the fund: Interfaith Glasgow, Edinburgh Interfaith Association, Edinburgh Women's Interfaith Group, Aberdeen Interfaith Group, East Renfrewshire Faith Forum and Fife Interfaith Group.
5 trees
For Maureen and Nick/ Mum and Dad/Granny and Grandad. Thanks for planting trees of love and happiness in our lives throughout the year. Happy Christmas.
Donated by The Bebb-Sier clan
1 tree
Thank you to all the teachers at The Barn Forest school for encouraging me to love the outdoors and the fun we have. Merry Christmas 2020
Donated by Willow Tootell
1 tree
To my amazing reception teachers and teaching assistants. Thank you for helping me love to learn. Merry Christmas 2020
Donated by Jasmine Tootell
4 trees
Dedicated with love to Ben on his 45th birthday
Donated by Maureen and Nick
85 trees
To provide a place of solace for the families and friends of the people of Skye who lost their lives during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Donated by Faiths Together Skye and Lochalsh
1 tree
Donated by Ibrahim & Bashiran Grove
2 trees
Donated by Hannah Cassidy
5 trees
Wishing all our friends, colleagues and family are well during this challenging time.
Donated by Keef & Else
19 trees
To offset a planned trip to Southern Hemisphere
Donated by Maureen & Nick (Baha'i Faith)
6 trees
20 trees
In loving memory of my mum and dad
20 trees
Hindu Mandir Glasgow
Donated by For the care and save our planet
32 trees
Donated at our Christmas Eve service as a way of giving back to creation
Donated by Fraserburgh United Reformed Church
1 tree
For my parents 40th wedding anniversary on the 12/01/2020. You are an inspiration to all xx
Donated by Zoe Tootell
3 trees
To celebrate and give thanks for 20 years of Interfaith Scotland's good work and support.
Donated by David Marsh on behalf of Shetland Inter Faith
12 trees
In small recompense for journeys travelled and friendships made.
Donated by Irene Hudson
10 trees
Committed to Peace and Interfaith Harmony and the sustainability of our beautiful planet
Donated by Catholic Bishops' Commitee for Interreligious Dialogue
8 trees
Donated by TOMAS SIRE
20 trees
Loving and Caring for our beautiful planet in thanksgiving for the gift of life
Donated by Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
7 trees
As Treasurer of Aberdeen Interfaith Group I collected money from 5 members of AIFG to fund 7 trees
Donated by Nigel Dower
8 trees
Donated by TOMAS SIRE
50 trees
At Rutherglen United Reform Church the decision was made to donate £300 from our Outward Giving Fund, as we had to remove trees which were dangerously close to our Church building. We are delighted to support this very worthwhile venture
Donated by Rutherglen United Reformed Church
5 trees
To commemorate our 10 Year Anniversary we sponsored trees abroad and at home . By the grace of God we met and have built beautiful friendships. May all the trees and friendships increase and flourish year on year. AMEEN
Donated by Women of Faith & Community
2 trees
May these trees grow stronger over time and weather any storms, the way our friendship has. Ameen
Donated by Austin & Ibrahim
6 trees
To help with our carbon footprint
Donated by Maureen and Nick
8 trees
Donated by TOMAS SIRE
50 trees
Celebrating 50 years of positive interfaith engagement in Glasgow: from the early days of Stella Reekie, the 'International Flat', and the establishment of Scotland's first interfaith group, Glasgow Sharing of Faiths; to Interfaith Glasgow's work today to promote friendship-building, dialogue, and cooperation in Scotland's most religiously diverse city!
Donated by Interfaith Glasgow
4 trees
In celebration of the 4th wedding anniversary of our son and daughter in law, and gratitude for our beautiful granddaughter (and a new one on the way).
Donated by Venus and Ken Alae-Carew
In celebration of the 4th wedding anniversary of our son and daughter in law, and gratitude for our beautiful granddaughter (and a new one on the way).
Donated by Venus and Ken Alae-Carew
50 trees
As beneficiaries of the divine Creation, what shall we do? We should care for the earth, be wise stewards over it, and preserve it for future generations.
Donated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
10 trees
Donated by TOMAS SIRE
6 trees
Trees for not only beautiful, they. help us save our home on this wonderful planet. For Lucy and Max my beautiful grandchildren.
Donated by Kate and David
4 trees
9 trees
Donated by Christina Aston
1 tree
Remembering the work of the Council of Christians and Jews and its commitment to peace and dialogue
Donated by Council of Christians and Jews
Remembering the work of the Council of Christians and Jews and its commitment to peace and dialogue
Donated by Council of Christians and Jews
4 trees
Donated by in thanksgiving for 60 years of devoted service as a Sister of Notre Dame by Sr Maire Gallagher
8 trees
Some trees to balance our wee family holiday...
Donated by Tom and Harry
1 tree
In Loving memory of James Scott Robson, Musician & Spiritualist Healer,
I wont say Rest in Peace but rather Rock in Paradise!!
love you dad xx
Donated by Coral Ryder CSNU
2 trees
For my great grandchildren Miller and Robbie.
Donated by Margaret Myles
5 trees
Donated for our dear friend Susan Downend (Scooby)
who passed away recently -
May her soul blossom in all the worlds of God
Donated by Nik and Maureen Sier
3 trees
We pray for harmony and peace between the world’s religions
and many, many more groves across the world
as we all fight to put right the errors of human greed
and their power impact on the climate.
Donated by Lanarkshire Trinity Pastorate, The United Reformed Church
10 trees
Quote of Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him)
'The earth is green and beautiful and God has appointed you His stewards over it'.

For more info, please email
Donated by Friday Sisters Circle
4 trees
To help make the world a better place
for my two beautiful girls,
Jasmine and Willow.
Donated by Zoe
3 trees
Donated by Ruta Sinclair
10 trees
“It is Allah who made for you the earth a place of settlement and the sky a ceiling...” Quran 40:64 Deforestation is destroying that protective ceiling. Time to repair it.
Donated by Frida
2 trees
Plant a tree for humanity - 'Harry'
Donated by Tom and Harry
1 tree
A 1 year old uniting the world and making it greener
Donated by Aurora
9 trees
In commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Bab ‘Hath any age witnessed such momentous happenings'
Donated by From some of the Bahai's friends in Glasgow
4 trees
Donated by Harriet Crabtree
4 trees
“To plant a garden is to believe in the tomorrow.” Audrey Hepburn
Donated by W & M Hinchliffe
12 trees
Twelve trees for the twelve divinely appointed Imams
from the lineage of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

'Man is either your Brother in Faith, or your Equal in Humanity.' -
Imām ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib (a)
Donated by Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society (SABS)
19 trees
19 trees to commemorate the 19 Letters of the Living
who ushered in a new era of the Oneness of humanity.
Donated by Dazzling Spark Arts Foundation
12 trees
The members of Faiths Together are delighted
to support this wonderful venture.
Donated by Skye & Lochalsh Faiths Together
2 trees
Donated by Ashley Beck
2 trees
Donated for my 2 grandsons,
Caelan David Aquila Cabemaiwasa and
James Joseph Tiko Cabemaiwasa
Donated by Adi Tikoduadua
10 trees
Working together to make a difference
Donated by East Dunbartonshire Baha'i Community
1 tree
Ye are the fruits of one tree,
and the leaves of one branch.
Deal ye one with another with the utmost love and harmony,
with friendliness and fellowship.
Donated by Bahai's of Dundee
5 trees
To assist our ecosystem for generations to come
Donated by Janet Rodrtiguez
5 trees
Planted on the 30th Anniversary of Sikh Sanjog
'All creation has the same origin and end,
Humans must have consciousness of their place in creation
and their relationship with the rest of creation
Donated by Sikh Sanjog
4 trees
Faith, Hope, and Love are the only way to Grow and Succeed in being truly Human.
Donated by jimthevic
18 trees
Planted on the 20th Anniversary of the founding of Interfaith Scotland
Donated by Interfaith Scotland