Sara and Colm Donnelly

Sara and Colm Donnelly

18th July 2009
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The Tree by Delmar Pepper

Branches with their bark and leaves,

Are natures dressing for her trees

Trees, ever obedient to natures call

Continue their work in spite of all

I can't imagine life without a tree

If they were gone, so would some of me.

Look closely at the trees by you,

Whether large or small or maybe new.

Let's share a prayer that we may see

The gift God has given us in the tree.

Remember the tree in all its beauty,

Asks little, save a chance to do its duty.

For Sara and Colm. The planting of this grove is to symbolise the beginning of your married lives together. May the trees and your marriage grow equally strong. With much love from Nigel & Jan

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