
- The Grove of Blessing Trees -

40th Birthday 2010
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(Nemeton40) The Grove of Blessing Trees was first established in 2010 to celebrate Sue's 40th birthday. The goal is, to plant 40 trees during my 40's! The first 8 trees planted, symbolically represent guardians of the grove. Subsequent plantings will be dedicated to individuals and organisations, with the intention of blessing and thanking them for their work/inspiration and loving-kindness. Blessing those, whose essence has touched my life in some way, perhaps through their assistance with my healing journey and/or personal development. Bless you all! Visitors both known and unknown, are very welcome to add to The Grove of Blessing Trees, by purchasing and dedicating a tree/s. Perhaps you would like to dedicate your tree to an individual/organisation/cause you wish to Bless. Thank you for your contribution. Sue xxx First 8 trees dedicated to: East: Otherworld spirits: John (aka The King), Karuleus South: Nature spirits: Fire elemental and earth elemental friends West: Ancestral spirits: Anne, Clara Winifred North: Animal spirits: Bicky, Charlie
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For Mykel With enormous thanks, for looking after my alignment for many years. A trusted ally and friend in my health journey. May your own health journey be blessed in return.
To Marisa. Thank you for the profoundly life changing work that you do and for enabling transformation in my life. May your own life be blessed in return, for the teaching you gifted to the world.
Donated by Sue
I dedicate this tree to Sunil - my amazing endocrinologist. May your life be blessed in return for helping transform so many lives. For your open mind, kindness and dedication.
Donated by Sue
For MJ, my miracle worker. You are a gifted practitioner, a friend and an angel. You brought profound healing into my life. May your life and practice be blessed in return. xx
Donated by S.O.
Sabine - I have so much to thank you for. Especially for holding the space that allowed my body to speak and reveal the thyroid/pituitry disorder.. May your life and practice be blessed in return.
Donated by S.O.
For James. R - may your practice and life be blessed. Thank you for easing my pain.
Donated by S.0.
In memory of my Uncle Philip. I think he would have loved to have visited the Caledonian Forest and to paint the scenery. I hope he will enjoy visiting his special spirit xxx
Donated by S.O.
Frida's Family Tree: Welcome to our beautiful world Frida. A blessing on your life. A blessing on your days. A blessing for your family, now and always. A heartfelt thank you to Lucie for looking after
In loving memory of my maternal grandparents I feel your smiles above me; airborn and floating in happy bubbles through my days. And your smiles around me, like a cloak of love xxx
The Tree of Beliefs is dedicated to Penny - to say a personal thank you. The tree planting is also to honour her special vocation, the generous sharing of her wealth of knowledge, wisdom and experience that helps others.
Dedication to Barry A small token of my appreciation not only to say "thank you" but to honour the wonderful work that you do and the many, many people whose health and quality of life have blossomed, thanks to your help and expertise. Your work (in the face of such controversy) is courageous, exemplary, pioneering, and the service you so generously and kindly offer, is a true blessing and beacon of hope to many. Because of your knowledge I have finally learnt how to help myself recover and although the journey has been a difficult one, my belief has never waned, spurred on by your encouragement and support while I explore the detours and routes. A true turning point in my life - thank you so much. A Blessing Tree Dedication to James R, to say thank you for your help and to honour all the work you have done, and will do, to raise funds for many charities. May your work, life, your clinic and your future endeavours be blessed in return. Manhi's Tree - a special dedication to Manhi, to say a heartfelt thank you for your ongoing help, which has been instrumental in helping me to reach a crucial turning point in my health and life. Where conventional medicine had no answers, your skills were there to provide the healing solution. I am very grateful and hope that your own life will be blessed in return.
The Four Gates Tree is dedicated to Ross, with thanks from Sue and with a blessing for the work of the Four Gates Foundation. A new sapling added to the grove, which is dedicated with thanks, to the work and members of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary. May the sanctuary be always Divinely protected. Tree dedication and blessing for the work and members of the Distant Healing Network. A blessing tree dedicated to the work and members of Aloha International, to say thank you.
The fourth blessing tree added to the grove, is the 'Dragon Tree' - dedicated to Nik. The planting is to say "thank you" for the help I personally received from you and for treating my body with such respect; which I treasured. To say that it was a pleasure to meet such a beautiful spirit on my journey. To bless the DAP and everyone involved. For all that you do for the community and beyond…as clearly your work and your gift of healing will be affecting the quantum web for the better. Although only a tiny sapling now, the growing 'Dragon Tree' will also serve as a living symbol. The roots: Representing the roots of your business, your ethics, training, the ancient roots of acupuncture. The branches: the growth of your business and the teaching given to others, to enable them to set up multibed clinics too. Also, the gift to the Earth your patients (the leaves) are offering, by achieving greater balance in mind, body and spirit. The growing tree will be nourished by the elements; just as patients are nourished by your healing practice and the elements. The living structure will support other life forms; just as your work supports your patients life forms and needs…. And, when the 'Dragon Tree' reaches seed bearing age, it will reproduce; just as the impact of your work radiates outwards and adds to the web of life. Nik - May all your days be blessed with the experience of peace, fulfilment, oneness and may you always be loved unconditionally in every lifetime…May these blessings take effect upon the planting of this tree and radiate through timeless time… a gift to every lifetime… - from Sue x
A special dedication for Philip & Stephanie, to say a heartfelt "thank you". The beautiful, enlightening and nourishing journey I have been following, has been the greatest blessing in my life, and so in return, may I plant this living gift of the 'Dundreggan OBOD Tree' and bestow 3 blessings… A blessing on your health; mind, body and spirit. A blessing on your family. A blessing on your work and the Order. May these blessings radiate through timeless time, blessing every lifetime…past, present, future. So Mote It Be. 'Turning around and around in a circle, Spiralling towards the centre, We know that we have come to the centre of who we are. We crouch on the earth, we touch her with our hands. We know that we have come to be with her. Finding ourselves we have found our connection with Nature. We sing, we speak poetry, we chant, we make music - Finding our hearts we have found the heart of the mystery. Finding the depths we have found the Way to be simple.' (From Elements of the Druid Tradition by P.Carr-Gomm)
The grove welcomes a new addition, 'The Golden Light Tree', which is dedicated to the very special work of Renata and Steven. Thank you! Deep peace of the golden light to you, from Sue. "And I say the sacred hoop of my people was one of the many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. " (Black Elk quote)
I name this blessing tree Kenaz and dedicate it to Ann O. Thank you and Bless you!May the dreams you hold dearest,Be those which come true.May the kindness you spread,Keep returning to you. (Traditional blessing)Love Sue xxx
Donated by Ms s c olivante