What we do

Trees for Life is rewilding the Scottish Highlands. Below are several of our ongoing projects which will help us to achieve this mission.

Affric Highlands

An ambitious proposal to form a coalition of landowners and communities across a large area of the central Highlands.

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Caledonian Pinewood Recovery

This project is saving Caledonian pinewood remnants by encouraging their active management.

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Red Squirrel Reintroduction

We carefully capture red squirrels from their strongholds and transport them to new forests.

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Beaver proposal

Share your views on the proposal to relocate beavers to Glen Affric.

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Lynx to Scotland

Lynx to Scotland is a comprehensive study to accurately evaluate the social feasibility of returning lynx.

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Tree Seed Collection Project

Enhance the availability of native trees from western Scotland by collecting seeds

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Wild Pine Project

Locating and assessing the health of lost Caledonian pinewood remnants across the Highlands in partnership with Woodland Trust Scotland

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Planting trees

We have planted nearly two million trees and our work will continue until we have planted millions more.

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Supporting volunteers

We work with individuals, businesses and other charities to bring people closer to nature.

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