The Tree Seed Collection Project – Bringing together citizen rewilders and tree experts
Planting trees is critical in supporting the expansion of Scotland’s Caledonian forest in areas where natural regeneration is not possible. For planted trees to have the best chance of survival, we grow them from locally-collected seed. This maintains the species’ area-specific genetics, which bolsters resilience against disease and climate change.
Scotland has a shortage of native trees grown with traceable local provenance, particularly from the west coast – home to Scotland’s temperate rainforest. This is hampering the efforts of Trees for Life, the Woodland Trust Scotland and others in our work to restore lost areas of native woodland.
The Tree Seed Collection Project is a collaborative three-year project between Woodland Trust Scotland and Trees for Life to enhance the availability of native trees from western Scotland. We are working with over 80 volunteers, as well as montane and niche tree species specialists to collect seeds from targeted areas, including temperate rainforest.
This project aims to enhance the availability of native trees from western Scotland by organising volunteers and montane specialists to collect seeds from the specific geographical areas, predominantly in Scotland’s rainforest, where planting is planned. Local tree nurseries will receive assistance in growing trees from these seeds. The resulting trees will be supplied to Woodland Trust Scotland and Trees for Life for planting.
Expand geographical areas of seed collection in the west and north of Scotland
Focus on rare and montane tree species
Collect and verify seed for at least 1,000,000 trees
Donate enough seed to grow at least 500,000 trees to nurseries across Scotland
We are looking for volunteers across western Scotland to carry out seed collections, especially in our hub areas of Lochgilphead, Glen Finglas, Oban, Morvern peninsula, Loch Arkaig, Isle of Skye and the Western Isles.
If you love working outdoors, spending time in woodlands and collaborating with others, then keep reading!
As a volunteer seed collector, you will be helping rewild the Scottish Highlands, supporting Trees for Life and the Woodland Trust’s efforts to revive ancient woodland.
The role will involve some or all of the following:
- Visiting sites with your volunteer coordinator, with other volunteers, or on your own, to identify tree species and locations for seed collections.
- Seasonal monitoring of trees to review when seeds are in optimum condition for collection.
- Collection of tree seeds using the equipment provided.
- Simple processing of seeds and posting on to the relevant recipient location for ongoing processing, storage and planting.
- The opportunity to support small tree nurseries (either on Woodland Trust sites, Trees for Life or partner commercial/community nurseries) to help out with the maintenance of the trees grown from the collected seed.
To volunteer with the project, you will need:
- A basic knowledge of native tree identification, although training will be provided.
- Good attention to detail for careful collection and some processing of seed.
- An ability to work on your own initiative and carry out collections that are not run by your volunteer coordinator or lead volunteer.
- Experience of being outdoors on various terrain and variable weather conditions.
- Be aged 18+ at the time of application.
For any enquiries regarding the role contact Roz Birch:

Working with
The Tree Seed Collection Project is a collaborative project between Woodland Trust Scotland and Trees for Life.
The project is funded by Woodland Trust Scotland, thanks to support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery and other supporters; and by supporters of the Trees for Life Wild Seed Appeal, along with the BrITE Foundation, Clean Planet Foundation and Ella’s Kitchen.