A corporate grove page is a fantastic way to make your mark on Scotland’s wild landscape. Here, you can plant trees, make donations and track your giving on a personalised web page with your branding included.
Corporate Grove
From: £6.00 — available on subscription
View our FAQs here.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I help to grow trees and make donations for my business?
A: It’s quick and easy to give back to nature with Trees for Life. Click here to set up your grove page.
Q: What is a corporate grove?
A: A corporate grove page is a digital portal where you can support tree growth and donate money on behalf of your organisation. Your grove is a public page on our website, where your contributions and donations are recorded in a timeline. You can add your own images, your logo, and your own text to make it fit with your brand. The term ‘grove’ applies specifically to your web page and the trees themselves will not be grown in an actual grove.
Q: How much does it cost to grow trees with Trees for Life?
A: It costs £250 to set up a corporate grove with Trees for Life. After that, it costs £6 to support the growing of each tree.
Q: Can I use your logo?
A: The use of our logo is reserved for our Business Partners. If you would like to find out more about becoming a partner, please click here. We ask that if you are not a partner, you kindly refrain from using our logo.
Q: Can you help me promote my giving?
A: We offer marketing support, such as images and quotes, to our Business Partners. If you wish to work with us to promote your giving, please contact us about becoming a partner.
Q: Can I offset carbon with Trees for Life?
A: Whilst our tree growing groves are a great way for small and medium sized businesses to address their carbon surpluses and make a tangible difference, we are not able to give any figures for how much CO2e one tree could sequester over its lifetime. As a rewilding charity, dedicated to revitalising wild forest in the Scottish Highlands, growing trees with us has a whole host of other benefits beyond capturing carbon.
We do have a separate Woodland Carbon Code accredited carbon offsetting scheme available to those larger organisations that wish to address their carbon impact on a much wider scale. To find out more please contact corporates@treesforlife.org.
Q: Do you actually plant trees that are bought through corporate groves?
A: We support a variety of species native to the Caledonian forest – these include alder, aspen, birch, cherry, hazel, holly, oak, rowan, Scots pine and willow. The Caledonian forest is a rich tapestry of habitats that includes dozens of different tree species. Your support will help us grow saplings from local seed, plant trees*, and support natural regeneration.
*trees are not planted in an actual grove, however, but in a way that mimics how they would grow naturally across a wide and varied landscape. Please note that this will not always be the same site. Trees bought through the corporate grove pages help to create new forest in key sites across the Highlands.
Q: Is there a limit to the number of trees I can help to grow through my grove page?
A: There is currently no limit, but those businesses with a bigger giving capacity may like to consider a Corporate Partnership with us, dedicating funds to our core rewilding work.
Q: How do you ensure the trees survive?
A: We take great care to ensure that the trees we grow have the best possible start in life. Many of the trees are grown by us from seed in our innovative tree nursery before being carefully planted by our volunteers or planting teams. We plant trees and also encourage natural regeneration within fenced exclosures to minimise herbivore impact, and work with trusted landowners where we have long standing partnerships. We also monitor tree sites on a regular basis.
Q: Will the trees be chopped down or harvested for timber?
A: No. Never.
Q: Can you send me photos of the trees that I have helped to grow through my grove page?
A: We do not have the capacity to take photos of individual trees.
Q: Can I plant my own trees?
A: Your support will help us grow saplings from local seed, plant trees, and support natural regeneration. If you wish to plant trees with us it is best to join one of our residential volunteering weeks. Discover more about volunteering with Trees for Life here.
Q: Can I visit the trees I support through the grove page?
The trees are grown in a very large, wild and remote setting, which could be at least a two-hour hike from the nearest road and often over challenging terrain. Our Rewilding Centre at Dundreggan is a great opportunity for our supporters to see rewilding in action on the estate. Dundreggan is home to Caledonian pinewoods and superb birch and juniper woodlands, and with mires, wetlands and wildflower meadows, it is a haven for wildlife. Here you will be able to access our trails network to visit examples of both planted and regenerating woodland, as well as to learn more about the wider rewilding picture. A member of our visitor experience team would be happy to speak to you about visiting our planting sites on the estate. Find out more visiting here.
Q: Can I add a plaque or signage to the trees?
A: To create as natural a forest as possible, we do not label individual trees or place plaques. We aim to encourage natural processes and ensure that the right tree is in the right place.
Q: I am setting up a start-up and would like to include Trees for Life as part of my business model through a brand partnership.
A: We don’t enter into brand partnerships with start-ups but you are more than welcome to set up a grove or make donations to Trees for Life as a new business.